Having a hard time to connect the Atmel-Ice JTAG-based debug-interface to various boards I was realizing my mistake to order only the basic atmel-ice, simply because I was greedy. ;-) Remembering the price of the thing and still needing the cable-tree that I do not have, I searched around the net and found many selfmade solutions that I didnt like completely. So I read through all of it and designed my own. Here is the result of it. When you have a question about it or want me to give you a bare pcb, send me an email.


Download Gerberfile


 Here you see the bottom side:

 Here you see the top side:

 With components, 1N4001 diode, 100nF capacitor, JTAG/PDI/AVR10+6/ICE-SAM+AVR and separate pins for JTAG:

 The price for the 2x5 50mil (1.27) headers can be reduced dramatically when you buy the 2x10 version and cut it apart.


 In action, please notice the connection of nSRST (external reset):


This board is inspired by a similar project done by a dutch guy called "Marc", so I want to credit him here, have a look on his website. 

Good starting point for all you do is always a manual. 


Linevast Webhosting
Super OpenVZ-VServer, Minecraftserver und KVM-Rootserver, gönnt Euch mal was. :-)



 This is a private homepage, all pictures are made by myself, when you need to contact me send an email.